

No Wrong Answers

Hilarious Conversation Starters (Seriously.)

Decks of conversation cards written by comedians to get people talking and laughing. Featured by Elle, Smosh Games, Apartment Therapy, and The Spruce

Being Earnest

A very sincere Podcast

Comedians Paula Skaggs and Josh Linden celebrate earnestness and honesty in their lives and across media. Runner-up for The Chicago Reader’s Best Podcast.


CIC Theater / Host & Producer, “Coda” (Weekly Variety Show)

The Chicago Improv Den / House Team Performer

iO Chicago / House Team Incubator Performer

Brown University Comedy Conference / Founder, Co-Coordinator

To Fetch A Grail of Water / Original Solo Show

+ Performances at The Second City, Annoyance Theatre, iO Theater, CIC Theater, Logan Square Improv